Wedding Band & DJ Brisbane

Bassline Studios Band

Bassline Studios Band Features

Is the vendor a solo performer, band or dj agency?
How many musicians does the vendor have?
What genres of music does the vendor play?
Jazz Funk Pop Soul/R&B
What kind of instruments does the vendor play?
Guitar Bass guitar Saxophone
What music services does the vendor offer?
Ceremony music Cocktail hour music Instrumentals Reception music Music during breaks Rehearsal dinner music Vocals Liability insurance Microphones Sound / PA system One event per day
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
Lighting Microphones Speaker Sound PA

Bassline Studios Band Features

Which cities do you serve in Queensland?

Bassline Studios Band Frequently Asked Questions

Does Bassline Studios Band have any wedding packages?

Yes, Bassline Studios Band has wedding packages.

What music services does Bassline Studios Band offer?

Bassline Studios Band offers music services like vocals, cocktail hour music, ceremony music, instrumentals, sound / pa system, reception music, one event per day, rehearsal dinner music, music during breaks, liability insurance, microphones.

Which cities does Bassline Studios Band serve in Queensland?

Bassline Studios Band serves wedding music services in brisbane.

How many years has the vendor served in this sector?


Do you provide music services in different cities?


About Bassline Studios Band

This musical duo fell in love with each other in their teens. Thankfully their love story met a happy ending (or start) as they decided to remain together, get married, and founded this band. It is now a family-run affair with respect for each other and shared love for music. It is a well-known band in Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Bryon Bay, and surrounding areas. It can be an acoustic duo or a full-fledged rock band, as demanded by the customer. Its range is diverse and very rich. Nothing is beyond its reach, and it would make sure that everyone has a great time at the event.


The husband/wife duo has more than 20 years of experience of live singing at weddings. Both of them have been singing from a very young age and enjoying every bit of it.

Services Offered

A lot of singers sing at weddings but what makes it different from others is personalization.
• It will make an effort to know the wedding couple and sing songs representing the couple’s personalities.
• It wants to create a memory for the couple that lasts a lifetime and would bring a smile to their faces when they listen to it 20 or 30 years down the line.
• Of course, you can expect the usual peppy numbers and party anthems that put everyone in the groove.

It is a family-run business that combines passionate musicianship, great entertainment, and all-around fun and excitement. It caters to everyone and is there for everyone to have a fabulous time. Fill the form now for further inquiry and booking!

Meet the team

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  • Phone:

  • Address:

    708 Beenleigh Rd, Sunnybank QLD 4109

  • Location on the Map

    Bassline Studios Band Sitemap

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