Wedding Band & DJ Gold Coast

Brian Watt Band

Brian Watt Band

Brian Watt Band Features

Is the vendor a solo performer, band or dj agency?
What genres of music does the vendor play?
Jazz Funk Dance Blues Oldies Rock Classic rock Pop R&B
What kind of instruments does the vendor play?
Guitar Bass guitar Drums
What music services does the vendor offer?
Ceremony music MC Reception music Vocals Microphones Sound / PA system
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
Microphones Sound PA
What ceremony music arrangements can the vendor provide?
Instrumental duo Instrumental trio Soloist/vocalist Instrumental solo

Brian Watt Band Features

Which cities do you serve in Queensland?
Brisbane Gold Coast Cairns Sunshine Coast Townsville Rockhampton Whitsundays

Brian Watt Band Frequently Asked Questions

What music services does Brian Watt Band offer?

Brian Watt Band offers music services like sound / pa system, microphones, vocals, mc, reception music, ceremony music.

What ceremony music arrangements can Brian Watt Band provide?

Brian Watt Band can provide ceremony music arrangements like soloist/vocalist, instrumental duo, instrumental solo, instrumental trio.

Which cities does Brian Watt Band serve in Queensland?

Brian Watt Band serves wedding music services in brisbane, rockhampton, sunshine coast, gold coast, whitsundays, townsville, cairns.

Do you provide music services in different cities?


About Brian Watt Band

Brian Watt is an exceptional musician who offers his services in different wedding functions around Gold Coast and surrounding regions. Whether couples desire solo musical performances or full-fledged band performances on their special day, Brian Watt offers customized packages that can tailor all the musical needs of couples without any hassle. Brian possesses the ability to understand the mood of the audience and deliver exceptional music that pumps the wedding guests.


Over the years, Brian Watt has gained immense respect and recognition in the Gold Coast region. His vocals elevate the mood and aura of the venue. To date, Brian has already offered his band services in more than 100 wedding functions. From solo performances to band arrangements, Brian looks after all the arrangements to provide an unforgettable experience. For his dedication and commitment towards music, he has also received multiple awards in the industry.

Services Offered

The services offered by Brian Watt Band are:

● Solo/duo/band performances
● Award-winning and dedicated band members
● Use of professional equipment
● Vast collection of songs from different genres
● Song requests for multiple occasions

Other Services

● Stage lighting
● Bose PA
● Music services in family and corporate functions
● Sound system
● Microphones for speeches

Brian Watt and his team believe that wedding functions are incomplete without soulful music. The entire team ensures that couples get unmatched experiences on their special day. To enquire about advance payments and available dates, reach out to the official team.

Meet the team

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  • Phone:

  • Address:

    Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

  • Location on the Map

    Brian Watt Band Sitemap

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