Wedding Band & DJ Margaret River

DJ Swami Adima

DJ Swami Adima Features

Is the vendor a solo performer, band or dj agency?
Solo performer
How many musicians does the vendor have?
What genres of music does the vendor play?
Dance Rock World Pop
What music services does the vendor offer?
Sound / PA system DJ Performance
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
DJ setup Speaker Sound PA

DJ Swami Adima Features

Which cities do you serve in Western Australia?
Margaret River

DJ Swami Adima Frequently Asked Questions

What music services does DJ Swami Adima offer?

DJ Swami Adima offers music services like sound / pa system, dj performance.

Which cities does DJ Swami Adima serve in Western Australia?

DJ Swami Adima serves wedding music services in margaret river.

How many years has the vendor served in this sector?


Do you provide music services in different cities?


About DJ Swami Adima

DJ Swami Adima has over 20 years of experience in this field. He is one of the popular and busiest DJs in the South West region. He established his solid reputation when he created playing flourishing Perth dance music scene that moved down South during the early '90s. He was a resident DJ at the famous Coconut Club in Dunsborough. After many years, he borrowed this famous nightclub's name to establish the famous dance stage during the Southbound Festival. It is a 20,000 strong musical event that happens in Busselton every January.
Adima doesn't only play in front of the massive crowds each year at the festival. Still, he also books a crowd of great Western Australian DJs performing the stage manager's responsibilities during the event.


DJ Swami Adima has over 20 years of experience in this field. He is one of the popular and busiest DJs in the South West region. He established his solid reputation when he created playing flourishing Perth dance music scene that moved down South during the early '90s. He was a resident DJ at the famous Coconut Club in Dunsborough. After many years, he borrowed this famous nightclub's name to establish the famous dance stage during the Southbound Festival. It is a 20,000 strong musical event that happens in Busselton every January.
Adima doesn't only play in front of the massive crowds each year at the festival. Still, he also books a crowd of great Western Australian DJs performing the stage manager's responsibilities during the event.

Services Offered

• DJ Performance
• Classic Numbers to Get the Dance Floor Moving
• Offer for Recording Music and Speeches at Your Special Night
• State of the art Sound Equipment
• Non-stop Entertainment

Other Services

• Backup System
• High-Quality Sound System
• Entertainment
• Stunning Collection of Old and New Tracks

DJ Swami Adima has an extensive music collection of old and new tracks. He knows how to make the crowd crazy. He creates the atmosphere at weddings that couples dream of so they can enjoy their special night. He has a great experience about what works best for weddings and makes everyone dance with his music to create a great celebration.

Meet the team

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  • Phone:

  • Address:

    Margaret River, West Australia, Australia

  • Location on the Map

    DJ Swami Adima Sitemap

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