Wedding Band & DJ Melbourne

Ms Lexi and Celestial Band

  • Price

Ms Lexi and Celestial Band Features

Is the vendor a solo performer, band or dj agency?
How many musicians does the vendor have?
What genres of music does the vendor play?
Jazz Acoustic Dance Big band Rock Pop Top 40 70s 80s 90s
What kind of instruments does the vendor play?
Guitar Bass guitar Saxophone Drums Piano
What music services does the vendor offer?
Ceremony music Cocktail hour music Instrumentals Opennes to new songs MC Reception music Music during breaks Vocals Willing to travel Microphones Sound / PA system Dance floor Karaoke services DJ Performance Do-not-play list One event per day Consultation
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
Lighting Microphones DJ setup Speaker Sound PA
What ceremony music arrangements can the vendor provide?
Instrumental duo Instrumental trio Soloist/vocalist Instrumental solo

Ms Lexi and Celestial Band Features

Which cities do you serve in New South Wales?
Which cities do you serve in Victoria?
Melbourne Geelong Ballarat Shepparton Wodonga Mildura Daylesford Lakes Entrance Yarra Valley Mornington Dandenong Ranges

Ms Lexi and Celestial Band Frequently Asked Questions

What is the wedding music price of Ms Lexi and Celestial Band?

Ms Lexi and Celestial Band charges $1.000-$2.000 for wedding music.

Does Ms Lexi and Celestial Band have any wedding packages?

Yes, Ms Lexi and Celestial Band has wedding packages.

What music services does Ms Lexi and Celestial Band offer?

Ms Lexi and Celestial Band offers music services like dj performance, consultation, dance floor, instrumentals, ceremony music, karaoke services, cocktail hour music, mc, one event per day, sound / pa system, vocals, music during breaks, microphones, do-not-play list, willing to travel, reception music, opennes to new songs.

What ceremony music arrangements can Ms Lexi and Celestial Band provide?

Ms Lexi and Celestial Band can provide ceremony music arrangements like instrumental trio, soloist/vocalist, instrumental duo, instrumental solo.

Which cities does Ms Lexi and Celestial Band serve in New South Wales?

Ms Lexi and Celestial Band serves wedding music services in albury.

Which cities does Ms Lexi and Celestial Band serve in Victoria?

Ms Lexi and Celestial Band serves wedding music services in shepparton, dandenong ranges, melbourne, mildura, mornington, yarra valley, geelong, ballarat, lakes entrance, wodonga, daylesford.

How many years has the vendor served in this sector?


How many songs are there in the vendor's repertoire?


Can the customer see the vendor's live performance before booking?


Can the customer request songs?


Do you provide music services in different cities?


About Ms Lexi and Celestial Band

Ms. Lexi & Celestial Band is a Melbourne-based entertainment firm specializing in providing world-class, full-day live music on your wedding day.
Planning your wedding is not so easy, but the team takes note of all your ideas and produces the best just as you want it.
They offer a live band and DJ/ MC service throughout Melbourne, Yarra Valley, and VIC!


Ms. Lexi & Celestial Band has years of experience in the entertainment industry. In 2010, the musicians and singers at the firm met and, since then, have continued playing live music together.
Lexi Ross is the owner and lead singer at the firm. She learned how to play piano at age seven and has been singing and playing keys for 22 years. She doubles as a successful MC and has an MBA from RMIT University in Melbourne.
Need an Acoustic Duo, DJ or full band for your wedding? They have you covered!

Services Offered

Ms. Lexi & Celestial Band ensures that your big day is all you want it to be.
Instruments used include speakers, microphones, guitars, and saxophone.
Music services provided include ceremony music, reception music, and aisle music, among others.
Services offered include DJ, MC, free consulting, setup, and free canapés.
Wedding packages provided are Acoustic Duo + DJ, Live cover band and DJ Band.

There is a wide range of music band pricing to suit your event and budget. All you have to do is to complete the contact form.

Meet the team

  • Ms Lexi And Celestial Band

    Ms Lexi & Celestial Band is Melbourne's BEST Live wedding band and DJ service!... read more 


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    Melbourne, Yarra Valley and Surrounds

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    Ms Lexi and Celestial Band Sitemap

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