Wedding Band & DJ Sunshine Coast

Unique DJs

Unique DJs Features

What genres of music does the vendor play?
Dance Rock Classic rock Pop
What music services does the vendor offer?
Ceremony music Opennes to new songs Reception music Willing to travel Microphones Sound / PA system DJ Performance Consultation
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
Fog Lighting Microphones DJ setup Speaker Sound PA

Unique DJs Features

Which cities do you serve in Queensland?
Brisbane Gold Coast Sunshine Coast

Unique DJs Frequently Asked Questions

Does Unique DJs have any wedding packages?

Yes, Unique DJs has wedding packages.

What music services does Unique DJs offer?

Unique DJs offers music services like willing to travel, sound / pa system, ceremony music, dj performance, reception music, microphones, consultation, opennes to new songs.

Which cities does Unique DJs serve in Queensland?

Unique DJs serves wedding music services in gold coast, brisbane, sunshine coast.

Can the customer request songs?


Do you provide music services in different cities?


About Unique DJs

Unique DJs southeast Queensland’s premium DJ service provider, operating from Sunshine Coast to the Gold Coast, including Hervey Bay and Brisbane. The team provides a song playlist per your music preferences and creates a not-to-play list to ensure nothing goes wrong on your wedding day. Their excellent team of trained and professional musicians ensures to create an excellent atmosphere through their premium quality live performances that you will cherish for a lifetime.


Unique DJs has years of experience providing entertainment service at weddings, birthday parties, cocktail parties, corporate events, and other special events. Their choice of songs will entice you and your guests to dance all night. In addition, the team makes sure that your song requests are accepted and fulfilled.

Services Offered

• Pre-planned list of songs
• Experienced and trained DJs and entertainers
• A special background music
• Song requests are welcomed
• Fully personalized wedding packages
• They allow clients to bring their music CDs

Other Services

• Dedicated professional MC
• High-quality sound system
• Cordless microphone for speeches
• Speakers or PA system
• Unlimited consultation

A wedding is a collection of special features, and if planned properly, it will become the most unique and memorable day of your life. So, make sure you choose the best things for your wedding from the elegant hall, catering to vibrant DJ service. Unique DJs offer various wedding packages which you can customize as per your preferences. Fill out the form below to know more about their packages and payment policies.

Meet the team

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  • Phone:

  • Address:

    Mountain Creek, Queensland, Australia

  • Location on the Map

    Unique DJs Sitemap

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