Wedding Band & DJ Wollongong

Theo and Bel

  • Price

Theo and Bel Features

Is the vendor a solo performer, band or dj agency?
How many musicians does the vendor have?
What genres of music does the vendor play?
What music services does the vendor offer?
Ceremony music Cocktail hour music Instrumentals Opennes to new songs MC Reception music Vocals Microphones Sound / PA system Do-not-play list Consultation
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
Microphones Sound PA

Theo and Bel Features

Which cities do you serve in New South Wales?
Which cities do you serve in Queensland?
Sunshine Coast

Theo and Bel Frequently Asked Questions

What is the wedding music price of Theo and Bel?

Theo and Bel charges $750-$1.000 for wedding music.

Does Theo and Bel have any wedding packages?

Yes, Theo and Bel has wedding packages.

What music services does Theo and Bel offer?

Theo and Bel offers music services like consultation, instrumentals, sound / pa system, mc, do-not-play list, ceremony music, reception music, cocktail hour music, opennes to new songs, microphones, vocals.

Which cities does Theo and Bel serve in Queensland?

Theo and Bel serves wedding music services in sunshine coast.

Which cities does Theo and Bel serve in New South Wales?

Theo and Bel serves wedding music services in wollongong.

How many years has the vendor served in this sector?


Can the customer request songs?


About Theo and Bel

Theo & Bel is a lovely husband-and-wife duo who does not only love to sing but had also fallen in love with music together. They specialize in acoustics, and their soft and charming melodies make sure love is in the air and all of the guests’ hearts during your wedding ceremony. They are a friendly and cooperative pair suitable for intimate to mid-sized wedding ceremonies, serving Wollongong, Sun Coast, and the surrounding areas.


Theo & Bel have been in this industry for years now. In their combined experience of 25 years, they have sung their soulful melodies for several weddings and other special events. They are highly cooperative and are always willing to go the extra mile to satisfy the couple they are working with.

Services Offered

• Customized wedding packages
• Online music requests are accepted.
• Song suggestions are welcomed.
• Different music sets for the entire wedding package can include cocktail party DJ, reception music, and ceremony music according to your preferences.
• Theo & Bel specialize in acoustics & soulful melodies.
• Mic Controller (MC)
• Consultation
• Do-not-play list
• Microphones
• Sound or PA system

To sum it up, Theo & Bel are an extremely hardworking couple who keep working tirelessly to satisfy their clients. They are talented, humble, and are always willing to fulfil all your requirements. Their affordable wedding packages and outstanding services are worth a try!

Meet the team

  • Others


  • Phone:

  • Address:

    Wollongong, NSW, Australia

  • Location on the Map

    Theo and Bel Sitemap

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