Wedding Band & DJ Yarra Valley

Oak Acoustic Band

Oak Acoustic Band Features

Is the vendor a solo performer, band or dj agency?
What kind of instruments does the vendor play?
What music services does the vendor offer?
Ceremony music Instrumentals Opennes to new songs MC Reception music Vocals Willing to travel Microphones Sound / PA system Consultation
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
Microphones DJ setup Sound PA

Oak Acoustic Band Features

Which cities do you serve in Victoria?
Melbourne Yarra Valley Mornington

Oak Acoustic Band Frequently Asked Questions

Does Oak Acoustic Band have any wedding packages?

Yes, Oak Acoustic Band has wedding packages.

What music services does Oak Acoustic Band offer?

Oak Acoustic Band offers music services like microphones, vocals, willing to travel, ceremony music, consultation, mc, instrumentals, sound / pa system, opennes to new songs, reception music.

Which cities does Oak Acoustic Band serve in Victoria?

Oak Acoustic Band serves wedding music services in melbourne, yarra valley, mornington.

How many years has the vendor served in this sector?


How many songs are there in the vendor's repertoire?


Can the customer request songs?


Do you provide music services in different cities?


About Oak Acoustic Band

Oak Acoustic Band is one of the most sought-after wedding bands located in Yarra Valley. It offers a perfect-sized trio for your very special day. In addition, the team prepares a diverse array of song playlists as per your preferences for your big day. At times, the team stays longer than decided to keep the enjoyment ongoing.


Kylie, a professional musician, started this band in 2013. She understands that every wedding is unique and special, so they always work with couples to ensure that the music for their wedding day is perfect. The team performs live acoustic music that will fill the dance floor and ensure that you and your guests have a great evening. Her choice of songs will create a fantastic atmosphere and an event that everyone will remember for a lifetime.

Services Offered

• Kylie offers exceptional live music for wedding and reception ceremonies.
• The team offers its service in Melbourne and its surrounding areas.
• They provide personalized entertainment packages
• Two acoustic guitars and percussion
• Male and female vocals with stellar harmonies
• No pre-recorded backing tracks are needed.
• Song suggestions are welcomed.

Other Services

• Kylie offers exceptional live music for wedding and reception ceremonies.
• The team offers its service in Melbourne and its surrounding areas.
• They provide personalized entertainment packages
• Two acoustic guitars and percussion
• Male and female vocals with stellar harmonies
• No pre-recorded backing tracks are needed.
• Song suggestions are welcomed.

Oak Acoustic Band creates a great vibe so that you and your guests can have fun on the dance floor. The professional team provides numerous custom-made packages to suit your style and musical preferences. You can fill out the form to know more about their packages and check their availability.

Meet the team

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  • Phone:

  • Address:

    Yarra Valley, VIC, Australia

  • Location on the Map

    Oak Acoustic Band Sitemap

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