Wedding Videography Adelaide

Sweetheart Bridal Studio

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Sweetheart Bridal Studio Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple locations High-definition video Highlight video Photography
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
2nd shooter Drone
Which wedding events does the vendor service?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Elopement Engagement Bridal boudoir shoot
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Digital download
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?

Sweetheart Bridal Studio Frequently Asked Questions

What videographic style(s) does Sweetheart Bridal Studio identify with?

Sweetheart Bridal Studio videographic style(s): cinematic.

Does Sweetheart Bridal Studio provide videography services in different cities?

No, Sweetheart Bridal Studio provides videography services in different cities.

How many years have you served in this sector?


About Sweetheart Bridal Studio

With over 20 years of experience in the wedding industry, Sweetheart Bridal Studio operates around Adelaide, specializing in professional videography and photography. They have a rich plethora of customizable packages to suit every budget and need. Their experience is diverse, and they can meet any style of videography and editing needs, clear from the high satisfaction level of the clients. They are not only a videography studio but also a total one-stop-shop to plan your entire wedding with prolific event management teams.


The team at Sweetheart Bridal Studio has over 20 years of experience in wedding filmmaking and planning the entire wedding, i.e., event management. They are very passionate about cinematography, and with a keen eye for detail, they capture the exact moments that will bring you enormous joy throughout your life.

Services Offered

They offer extraordinary videography service using the latest photography gear. They have various packages that cover the entire wedding from day to entire including all the ceremonies. They have a non-intrusive, candid videography style and will take the best shots without interrupting your flow. They also provide event management services covering arrangements for decorations in the church (or any other location), reception planning, arranging for cakes, limousines, or hummers.

Other Services

They also offer consultation services to understand all assistance you will require for your big day and gives the best solution possible no matter what kind of event you want - a lavish celebration or private ceremony. Along with videography, they also offer photography services for couples and other types of events.

Sweetheart Bridal Studio specializes in everything related to weddings. From event management, including decors, transport management, and much more, to outstanding videography in weddings, they are a one-stop-shop for everything you will ever need. For more information, you can reach out to them!


  • Phone:

  • Address:

    3 The Walk, Mawson Lakes SA 5095

  • Location on the Map

    Sweetheart Bridal Studio Sitemap

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