Wedding Videography Brisbane

Playback Productions

Meet the team

  • Business Owner

Playback Productions Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
High-definition video Photography
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Documentary Cinematic

Playback Productions Features

Which cities do you serve in Victoria?
Which cities do you serve in Queensland?
Brisbane Sunshine Coast Whitsundays

Playback Productions Frequently Asked Questions

What videographic style(s) does Playback Productions identify with?

Playback Productions videographic style(s): cinematic, documentary.

Does Playback Productions provide videography services in different cities?

Yes, Playback Productions provides videography services in different cities.

About Playback Productions

Playback Productions has gained immense popularity in Brisbane for the finest wedding films and the excellent personal service that the team offers to wed couples. The founders of this wedding videography service Natalie & Adam Gastineau, are professionals not just in the state-of-the-art equipment they use for capturing a special day in your life but also in the dress code and manners they follow at your wedding. The team understands and respects the guidelines of churches and follows the right etiquette at the church wedding ceremony. The team films regularly in Noosa, Sunshine Coast, Melbourne, Whitsunday Islands, and nearby areas to capture wedding ceremonies.


The founder of Playback Productions has a background in documentary editing, cinematography, and music videos handling. Also, he has an eye for those special moments in your wedding. So, with his experience, his team is committed to producing a fun, unique, and always stylish-looking wedding film that you can playback for several decades to come.

Services Offered

· State-of-the-art videography equipment
· Professional manners and dress code
· Has a passion for photography
· Accepts only a limited number of weddings per year to ensure delivery of perfect work to couples
· Specializes in handling church weddings

Other Services

· Specializes in other events photography and videography
· Videography, editing, and production of other events as well.

When it comes to church weddings, professionalism is a must, and you can expect this in every aspect when you choose Playback Productions for capturing your wedding.


  • Phone:

  • Address:

    Brisbane, QLD

  • Location on the Map

    Playback Productions Sitemap

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