Wedding Videography Geelong

The Wedding Filmer

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The Wedding Filmer Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple locations High-definition video Post production services
Which wedding events does the vendor service?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Rehearsal dinner Elopement Engagement
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Blu-ray Digital download DVD Flash drive USB
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Cinematic

The Wedding Filmer Features

Which cities do you serve in Victoria?

The Wedding Filmer Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of The Wedding Filmer?

The Wedding Filmer offers wedding video prices starting at $1.000-$2.000.

Does The Wedding Filmer offer any wedding packages?

Yes, The Wedding Filmer offers packages for weddings.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the The Wedding Filmer?

The Wedding Filmer offers these services with the starting package: digital download, high-definition video, full feature video, engagement.

What videographic style(s) does The Wedding Filmer identify with?

The Wedding Filmer videographic style(s): cinematic, storytelling.

About The Wedding Filmer

The Wedding Filmer serving the whole of Geelong Great Ocean Road now captures the memories of your wedding day with the best videography you have ever seen. Featuring a remarkable crew the talented industry professionals with the unique ability to use multiple filming techniques during wedding ceremonies, your special day can never be in better hands. The skilled specialists research the history of many in the industry, with experience capturing videos that demonstrate realness and naturalness.


Celebrated for the level of professionalism, the client couples are both assured of a satisfactory experience, with amazing filming conducted in a wonderful harmony of skills and passion. The Wedding Filmer has the ability to capture such a mood that is very real, engaging, and comfortable. The crew will be sure to record all empowered moments the couple achieves with all forms of mood and atmosphere recorded, using fun and creativity as a means to capturing clients and their guests when they least expect it.

Services Offered

Among the services you enjoy in the hands of The Wedding Filmer and his group includes remarkable film and cinematography. The association comes with exceptional equipment, extensive capture duration, and very professional crew passionate about what they are doing.

A good video during your wedding ceremony or reception will go a very long way in making your wedding day a memorable experience that will send you down a beautiful memory lane years after you tie the knot when you go through the video. Fill the form now for further inquiry and booking.


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    Geelong VIC 3220

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