Wedding Videography Brisbane


Meet the team

  • Business Owner

twelve08studios Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
High-definition video

twelve08studios Features

Which cities do you serve in Queensland?
Brisbane Gold Coast Sunshine Coast

twelve08studios Frequently Asked Questions

Does twelve08studios offer any wedding packages?

Yes, twelve08studios offers packages for weddings.

Does twelve08studios provide videography services in different cities?

Yes, twelve08studios provides videography services in different cities.

How many years have you served in this sector?


About twelve08studios

The founder of twelve08studios is a couple, Jack and Amy. The couple has a wonderful story behind why they named this studio in this way. It was December 2008; they shared their vows after being friends right from their high school. They are a married couple, so they understand what a wedding couple needs from their wedding videos, and they are committed to delivering what the couples expect.


Twelve08Studios has been offering wedding videography services right from the year 2008. Right from thereon, the duo never fails to learn from their experience as videographers. With this approach to learning new things, they continue to provide improved services to wedding couples. They feel it to be an incredible privilege to share a special day with so many wedding couples.

Services Offered

· Captures weddings based on what you expect out of your wedding videos
· Understands what you need thoroughly before your wedding to deliver videos as per your expectations
· Passionate about capturing the most memorable moments to create special memories that will last a lifetime.

Other Services

· Strives of quality films and images
· Committed to providing the best possible videography experience to couples
· Creates an impressive digital interpretation of your love story

As a young couple, the founders of this studio, Jack and Amy, rightly understand what the couple expects from their wedding films and deliver the same without skipping any special moments in their wedding.


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  • Address:

    Brisbane, QLD

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    twelve08studios Sitemap

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