Wedding Videography Cairns

Memories On Disc

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Memories On Disc Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple locations Additional hours Montage High-definition video Highlight video Post production services One event per day
Which wedding events does the vendor service?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Elopement Engagement Save the date Trash the dress
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Blu-ray Digital download DVD
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Cinematic

Memories On Disc Features

Which cities do you serve in Queensland?

Memories On Disc Frequently Asked Questions

Does Memories On Disc offer any wedding packages?

Yes, Memories On Disc offers packages for weddings.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the Memories On Disc?

Memories On Disc offers these services with the starting package: high-definition video, digital download, post production services.

What videographic style(s) does Memories On Disc identify with?

Memories On Disc videographic style(s): storytelling, cinematic.

Does Memories On Disc provide videography services in different cities?

Yes, Memories On Disc provides videography services in different cities.

About Memories On Disc

Memories on Disc Videos serve the whole of North Queensland, Palm Cove, Port Douglas, Cairns, Yungaburra, Double Island, Green Island, and Mareeba to provide some of the best videography services you have ever seen. Featuring the phenomenal MOD in your wedding, you will grace your ceremony with the best of modern and premium cinematography delivered with remarkable skill, expertise, and professionalism. MOD has many years of experience in the industry and uses their passion for film as an inspiration to enrich the ceremonies and lives of men and women who have decided to spend the rest of their lives together.


Using their professional experience as an enabler for capturing the best moments of your wedding in the most natural way possible, MOD guarantees exceptional videography when they film at your wedding. The entire crew is keen on quality and authenticity, gracing the occasion with the best kind of equipment they can very well deliver, attributes that have contributed greatly to the brand’s success. Moreover, MOD is always open to negotiations on matters venue and deliverables, with their ultimate objective being to give the couple and their loved ones the best cinematography services possible.

Services Offered

Some of the services you align your ceremony within the hands of the remarkable MOD videos include the best of videography and cinematography captured with an exceptional crew of professionals. Most importantly, the services can all be customized to your taste and preferences.

Hiring MOD videos for your wedding is the first step in ensuring that your event is managed by a professional service that is amazing enough to care about how your special day turns out. Fill the form now for further inquiry and booking!


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    Cairns QLD

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