Wedding Videography Perth


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WeddingArt.TV Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple cameras Multiple locations Highlight video Raw footage Photography
What kind of equipment does the provider have?
2nd shooter Drone
Which wedding events does the vendor service?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Hard drive USB
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?

WeddingArt.TV Features

Which cities do you serve in Western Australia?

WeddingArt.TV Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of WeddingArt.TV?

WeddingArt.TV offers wedding video prices starting at $1.000-$2.000.

What videographic style(s) does WeddingArt.TV identify with?

WeddingArt.TV videographic style(s): documentary.

About WeddingArt.TV

WeddingArt.TV is a wedding videography services provider serving the whole of Perth, Australia and operating all round the clock. This videography service provider will get your wedding filmed in style by featuring a team of passionate, skilled, and enthusiastic industry professionals. Researching many years of experience in the industry, the crew has the unique ability to read the wedding venue and capture your special day in expertise.


With this firm, you are assured of a state of the art video experience involving the talent and expertise of renowned industry professionals. Leveraging the wisdom of their experience, the crew reads the crowd to determine the delivery that will best work for the friends and loved ones that attend your special day. Your wedding day video will be a complete bliss and success in the hands of the team.

Services Offered

Other than the wedding videography, you enjoy services, including consultation and production. You can get a soft copy or hard copy version of the recording. There is a large sea of expertise in cinematography on the ready to thrill you and send you down memory lane years to come. The remarkable experts capture the video in style so that you and your loved ones will take pleasure watching for the rest of your lives.

The wedding day is one of the most important days in the lives of a couple. It is, therefore, crucial to capture and preserve every moment of it. There is no better way to do this than entrusting it in the hands of someone trained and experienced enough to do the job to satisfaction.


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    Perth, WA

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