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Hudson Films Features

What videography services does the vendor offer?
Full feature video Multiple locations Additional hours Montage High-definition video Highlight video Slideshow One event per day
Which wedding events does the vendor service?
Ceremony Pre-ceremony Reception Rehearsal dinner Elopement Engagement Save the date
What final video formats does the vendor offer?
Blu-ray Digital download DVD Flash drive USB
What videographic style(s) does the vendor identify with?
Storytelling Cinematic

Hudson Films Features

Which cities do you serve in Queensland?

Hudson Films Frequently Asked Questions

What's the wedding video price of Hudson Films?

Hudson Films offers wedding video prices starting at $3.000-$4.000.

Does Hudson Films offer any wedding packages?

Yes, Hudson Films offers packages for weddings.

Which services are included in the starting package price of the Hudson Films?

Hudson Films offers these services with the starting package: digital download, post production services, highlight video, high-definition video.

What videographic style(s) does Hudson Films identify with?

Hudson Films videographic style(s): storytelling, cinematic.

Does Hudson Films provide videography services in different cities?

Yes, Hudson Films provides videography services in different cities.

About Hudson Films

Hudson Films is a video production company that specializes in wedding videography. The brand is dedicated to providing videos for the would-be husband and wife, capturing their wedding day ceremony with grace and prowess. While the brand’s creative team is based in Cairns, Far North Queensland, they are open to travelling and are always up for a new adventure. With many years of experience, Hudson Films’ crew is uniquely qualified to guarantee a satisfactory video for you and your groom.


Celebrated for the level of professionalism at the Hudson Films, the couple is assured of a satisfactory experience, with amazing videos taken in wonderful highlight quality films. The crew has created such a working rapport that is very organized and comfortable. They will empower the video with all forms of mannerisms and techniques, using creativity and innovation as a means to making the client’s video experience fun as well as special.

Services Offered

All in an effort to celebrate their clients for the wonderful couple they all are, Hudson Films provides film and cinematography services targeted at capturing your video and preserving the memories in an all too fulfilling design.

With reasonable prices and good discounts, Hudson Filmsassures the wedding couple of best quality videography conducted in total professionalism. Resulting from their work will be a real-time series of moments of joy and excitement captured in style and expertise. By entrusting the film and cinematography tasks to this professional, you are setting yourself up for success and all matters professionalism.


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